Hypnosis and the Magic of Changing your Mind
We never lose our capacity to learn new things. The more we understand about ourselves, the easier it is to take control of our own health – both physical and mental. So, be curious, learn and be prepared for the magic of changing your mind…
The field of neuroscience is fascinating, and there is still a vast amount that we don’t know. What we know for sure is that whilst we stop creating new neurons (brain cells) once we reach adulthood (with rare exceptions), our brains remain ‘plastic’ forever.
“During my first consultation with Sally she mentioned the words “almost like magic”. Well, for me, that almost feels like an understatement.”
It’s this ‘plasticity’ that we can use to our benefit throughout our lives.
Hypnosis is one way we can create the energy for this magical change.
OUr brains are ‘plastic’
Brain plasticity – we CAN change our minds. Just as plastic can change shape - with heat or pressure, plasticity in terms of our brain means that we can continue to shape the pathways in our brains until the day we die.
The incredible thing about that statement is that it means that we don’t have to stay the same.
Just think about that for a moment…..
The way things are today does not have to be the way things are tomorrow.
YOU and I have the power to CHANGE OUR MINDS!
How do we do create the change?
It’s simple, but not necessarily easy, to make the changes you want to make.
Have you ever challenged yourself to give up something? Chocolate, alcohol or screen time maybe? Or decided to create a new habit such as exercise or meditating?
When you achieved that, you changed your mind. It may have seemed difficult, but you did it.
Every time you do something new, you strengthen the neuronal pathways and synapses in your brain. The stronger they become, the easier it is to use them again. It’s almost like magic.
The magic is inside us
The ‘magic’ of hypnosis
Obviously hypnosis isn’t magic. But it can seem that way.
What hypnosis gives us is a short route to the changes we want to make. A skilled hypnotherapist uses language and relaxation as the way to the subconscious, where change can be created. It takes some of the hard work out of your way.
It’s a natural, amazing and effective way to move yourself from where you are now to where you want to be!
The only thing you need for hypnosis to work for you is an absolute desire to WANT the change. Hypnotherapy can’t make you do things that you don’t want to do. And when you know that you do want to change, you are halfway there. Hypnosis creates the energy for that change to happen.
Are you ready to change?
If you are ready to create the change you really want , click to schedule your first appointment and let’s do it.
In just a few short weeks, you could be looking back to today and thanking yourself for having taken the first step towards the life you dream of.
Looking forward to working with you soon!
Sally x