Do you wake feeling refreshed, ready for the day?
For so many of my clients, the answer to this question is 'no'. One of the first questions we address in our sessions is how to have better sleep. Good quality and quantity of sleep is vital to our physical and mental wellbeing. When your nights get better, you will also see improvements in these areas:-
Energy levels
Decision making and memory
Nutrition and weight management
Anxiety and depression
Brain fog
If sometimes (or even always) you find it difficult to get to nod off, and wake often in the night, and then toss and turn until morning, you need to make some changes. Especially if, when the alarm goes off, and it feels as though you haven't slept at all. If this is you, you may also be experiencing feelings of anxiety, lack of confidence and focus, and brain fog. There could well be an impact on your relationships, and your work. These are all symptoms of sleep deprivation and insomnia. Surprisingly, the most effective changes for night time sleep are those that we make to our daytime activities. This is what I address in my Sleep Course, which you can see more of later in this article.
Essential for Health
Sleep deprivation, even over a short period, is now known to have serious physical as well as psychological effects, including making diseases such as cancer and diabetes more likely. Lack of sleep has also been implicated in the rise in cases of Alzheimers disease. Many of us don’t get the amount or the quality of shut-eye that we need for optimum health, and for some it’s been going on for so long that tiredness is ‘normal’. Late nights, burning the candle at both ends, shift work, exams, children - can all lead to a wakeful night that results in less than optimal days.
Hypnotherapy for Better Sleep - a bespoke solution
If you are not getting enough, or good quality sleep, hypnotherapy can help.
I've seen clients transform almost overnight when sleep has improved
Hypnosis is a fabulous tool for resetting the circadian rhythms that we need to be able to live life to the full. When you choose to work with me, I'll create a program of solution focused work plus hypnosis, to embed the habits for a lifetime of good sleep. Hypnosis reduces anxiety, and because the trance state is similar to REM (dream) sleep, it also leaves you feeling refreshed and calm. When sleep improves, we often see a fast and remarkable improvement in levels of anxiety, memory, creativity and performance.
Book now to begin
A block of 4 sessions with me is a great way to get you back on track. Start with an Initial Consultation and follow up with four further sessions. During this time together we can explore your personal sleep patterns, and look at the science behind sleep as it relates specifically to you. Using hypnosis, we'll create new, lasting habits for optimal wellness. You'll feel calmer, more confident, and more in control of your responses as a result.
Working one to one means that we'll also tackle any underlying issues that may be preventing you sleeping. This works just as well online as in person. Schedule your Initial Consultation now, or book a 15 minute no obligation Tell Me More call.
Sally helped me deal with my “painsomnia” so that although I don’t necessarily get more hours of sleep, those hours are much better quality. When I am awake during the night, I am now able to self-hypnotise so that my body is at least relaxed even if I am not asleep. This has had a huge effect – I am less tired and able to cope with the pain better.
Seven Days to Better Sleep is my own mini sleep program. I've developed this course based on years of experience working with clients with poor sleep. In addition, I've included the most up to date scientific research so that all the information you receive is as relevant as it possibly can be. You can follow the course completely indecently, or join a regular check-in online where I’ll be live to answer any questions you have about sleep or the course. You'll need to commit to making small changes, which will have a BIG impact. For the program, you'll need around 15 minutes a day.
What's covered in the program?
We discuss a variety of important topics, including
Body clock - how to make sure yours runs on time
Light and darkness - making the most of daylight
Nutrition and gut health
The role of rest
Caffeine and alcohol
Technology, helpful and unhelpful
We'll also discuss hot topics such as napping, jet lag, menopause and teenage sleep patterns. In addition, I'll share information about the role of exercise, temperature and how to get your lighting optimised!You'll be able to ask questions every day as the program goes along, so that it's tailored to your needs. Previous participants have seen massive improvements over the seven days of the program.
This seems to be contributing to me sleeping longer. Also I am not waking for lengthy periods in the night, but go back to sleep. This is a definite improvement!
Helen Brydges (April '23)
I want this to be accessible to everyone, so the cost is just £39. It’s also included completely free as part of FLOURISH and REPLENISH memberships